Hair Restoration

Follicle Unit Extraction

with NeoGraft

Why NeoGraft®

  • It is the least invasive procedure for hair transplantation

  • Patients who receive the NeoGraft® procedure feel little to no discomfort

  • No stitches or staples are used in the NeoGraft® procedure

  • No unsightly linear scar

  • Flexibility for any hair style of your choice, short or long

  • Shorter recovery time - patients can typically go back to work the next day

  • Fewer restrictions on your normal daily activities

  • Natural looking results

Meet Your

Hair Experts

Tyra Villafuerte

Director of Hair Restoration

With 24 years of experience as a Hair Transplant Technician, I have honed my skills in FUT, FUE, Artas, Neograft, and other FUE devices. My expertise extends to surgical procedures, making me adept in various techniques within the hair restoration field.

I am certified and specialized in Laser Hair Removal, Intense Pulse Light, Laser Acne Reduction, Laser Cellulite Reduction, Vein Reduction, Radio Frequency Skin Tightening, Tattoo Removal, Chemical Peels, Microcurrent Physiological Theory and Performance Treatments, and Advanced Microdermabrasion Technology and Dermal Infusion, all from the National Laser Institute. Additionally, I hold a Scalp Micropigmentation Certification from Team Micro.

My professional journey includes extensive experience in marketing, consultation, training of hair technicians, and managing a hair clinic. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Technical Management, specializing in Project Management, from DeVry University. Furthermore, I have attended numerous ISHRS workshops, continuously expanding my knowledge and skills in hair restoration.

With a comprehensive background and a passion for excellence, I am dedicated to advancing the field of hair restoration and providing exceptional care to our clients at Opulence Chicago.

Anthony Papagikos

Owner and President

Anthony brings collaborative research and education to the aesthetics space in addition to the development and distribution of new products. He aims to develop and implement cutting-edge beautification technology in the unique clinical setting of Opulence Chicago.

Having held various positions in some of the largest diagnostic companies in the United States, Anthony’s expertise and primary focus in the diagnostics and biotech space has allowed him to secure exclusive contracts in the realm of medical distributions. He has been able to use this experience to travel and source the best beautification equipment and technology in our industry. As a result, he has on-boarded incredible, effective services for Opulence patients including NeoGraft® Hair Transplant Restoration.


Florida State University - Bachelor of Science (BS), Business Administration, Management and Operations

Dr. David Rosania

Medical Director

Dr. David Rosania is a board certified Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation physician who earned his undergraduate degree at the University of California-Berkeley and his medical degree at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. He completed his residency at Stanford Hospital and Clinics in PM&R and then proceeded to work at Stanford’s Medicine Clinic as well as working as an associate chief at Santa Clara Valley’s Spinal Cord Unit.

With expansive experience in regenerative medicine, Dr. Rosania’s talent in joint and muscle treatment and prevention using hyaluronic, PRP, and amniotic fluid injections, has forged additional success in the realm of hair restoration. 

He serves as the Medical Director of Opulence Chicago, where he leads a team of highly skilled professionals dedicated to excellence in patient care. Dr Rosania is actively involved in professional organizations and committees, shaping the future of the hair restoration field through leadership and advocacy. He is committed to fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, driving the clinic's impeccable reputation.

Dr Rosania is a recognized authority in hair restoration, combining extensive clinical experience with a deep understanding of aesthetic principles. He prides himself on being a dedicated educator and is actively involved in teaching and mentoring aspiring professionals in the field. 

He specializes in utilizing state-of-the-art hair restoration procedures and technology to provide personalized, best-in-class solutions for patients. Treatment plans are tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual, ensuring natural-looking results and long-term satisfaction

With Dr. Rosania’s leadership, patients can trust in the expertise, compassion, and unwavering dedication to achieving optimal results and restoring confidence through state-of-the-art hair restoration services. With a passion for education and innovation, he is committed to fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, driving the clinic's reputation as a 5-star-rate center of excellence in hair restoration and aesthetics.


Medical School: University of Illinois at Chicago School of Medicine

Intern Year: Ravenswood Hospital, Chicago, IL

Residency: Stanford University of Medical Center (Physical Medicine & Rehab)

To many Chicagoland residents, a full head of hair represents attractiveness and desirability both personally and professionally. For this reason, it is vital to understand what effects a hair restoration procedure can have on your daily interactions with people and in all other aspects of your life. Hair Restoration should be unnoticeable to all but those you tell.

Approximately 50 million men and 30 million women, including many in Chicago, suffer from male/female pattern baldness or thinning hair. Many potential patients shy-away from (or are not candidates for) the traditional “strip method” of hair replacement because of the slow recovery time, the loss of feeling at the incision site, the tiny linear scar on the back of the head, or the amount of post-operative pain involved.

After much research, we have chosen to offer the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method utilizing the NeoGraft® Automated Hair Transplantation system. The FUE method of hair transplantation removes individual hair follicles from the scalp in their naturally occurring groupings of about 1-4 hairs and are then placed in the areas of the scalp where balding has occurred.

The NeoGraft® system is the first and only FDA cleared follicular unit harvesting and implantation system. The NeoGraft® system delivers automation of the FUE technique, the most advanced technique in the hair transplant industry.

This revolutionary system uses pneumatic controls to precisely extract complete individual hair follicles which can be immediately transplanted to the selected areas of the scalp. This automated hair transplantation system is the only complete harvesting system on the market and has the only ‘NO TOUCH’ implantation technology.

Hair Restoration with NeoGraft® technology provides absolute exact harvesting and placement, delivering repeatable results. With NeoGraft’s technology each follicle is removed individually while the patient is comfortable. A natural looking head of hair is created with this minimally-invasive procedure.

Hair loss can be a very emotional part of the natural aging process, and seeking ways to curb this process used to be a challenge. NeoGraft’s advanced technology offers a discrete solution to hair loss, allowing patients to achieve natural looking results with no linear scar, minimal downtime and a shorter recovery period. Hair restoration with the NeoGraft® procedure is unnoticeable, making it your secret to tell.

  • Superior Results – More natural looking hair, short or long for both men and women.

  • Advanced Technology – Automated technology, least invasive procedure for hair transplantation.

  • Gentle – Little to no discomfort. No scalpel incision, no staples, no linear scar.

  • Effective – Less activity restrictions than traditional strip methods.

  • Discrete – Patients can typically go back to work the next day.

  • Affordable – We have programs available to meet your exact needs.


  • FUE hair transplant is a very safe, minimally invasive, relatively minor procedure

  • Minimal bleeding and fewer complications than with the “strip” method

  • Procedure is performed with local anesthetic and no intravenous or intra-muscular sedation is required

  • Patients experience minimal discomfort, no scalpel incision, no sutures, no linear scar and quick recovery times

  • And Many More!

The NeoGraft® Automated FUE is also a useful procedure to fix visible linear scars from previous “strip” surgeries. FUE can be used to ‘fill in’ or camouflage those old scars by transplanting new follicles into the area.

What to expect afterwards

You’ve successfully completed your hair restoration procedure … now what?!

We understand that 12 month wait to see the true end result is a very long time. Yes, the first 3 months can be frustrating and many patients may not see any impactful growth at all.

But we promise you that the end result is worth the wait; if you know what to expect, you won’t be disappointed.

First 3 Months

These first three months are the most frustrating phase of your hair transplant recovery.

Approximately 4-5 days after the procedure, your newly transplanted hair in the recipient area(s) will begin to shed as the scabs fall off. We understand that this can be a cause for alarm, but it’s completely normal for these hairs to fall out after a transplant.

Our hair grows in alternating cycles. The act of transplantation causes the hair shafts to fall out and enter a dormant phase. This does not mean that the implanted follicles are lost. They are still safely embedded in the scalp and will start producing again after the dormant cycle is over.

Once the hair has been shed, the follicles enter a resting phase. This lasts about 2 to 2.5 months. Please note that not all hair falls out and rests at the same time. This is a process over time, meaning your recipient area may look patchy for fairly long stretches.

Growth in the Donor Area

Now for some good news: The hair in the donor area begins to grow immediately after the transplant, since it doesn’t experience any shock loss. This means that the donor area (back of the head) will be covered with new growth in about a week.

By the way, some patients are concerned about the thickness in the donor area. Yes, it does get thinned out by taking hair from it, and that is the reason our NeoGraft consultant needs to make sure you have enough donor hair for the number of grafts you are planning to transplant. We make sure that your donor area retains a full enough look for best overall results.

3-6 Months After

Right around the beginning of the 4th month after your hair transplant, new hair will begin to grow . This is the time you can finally get excited about your procedure.

If this sounds like a really long time, it is. We have to rely on the natural growth to take place, and of course hair doesn’t grow all that fast.

About 3-4 months post-op marks the beginning of real growth. At first, the new hair coming in may be thin and curly, but don’t worry – it will thicken and straighten out as it grows longer. Again, do not get discouraged by the fact that the transplant area may look patchy at this stage. This is caused by the different stages of growth cycle within this area.

6-9 Months After

Many patients see really good results around 6 months after their procedure.

However, there is still a lot of growth ahead of you. In fact, at 6 months the most noticeable growth and thickening of the transplanted hair begins. This period is also called the hair busting stage. Finally, your new hair grows normally at the same rate as your other hair, about 1-2 cm per month. This means your transplant area will continue to thicken at a nice rate.

9-12 Months After

Your hair will continue to thicken through this phase.

This is also an exciting time to think about styling your hair. We advise our patients to refrain from having their transplanted hair buzzed during the first year following their transplant. But scissor haircuts are totally okay, starting at about 1 month after the transplant.

After 12 months, we consider your hair transplant recovery to be complete, and typically schedule an in-office follow-up visit to measure results.

In reality, your hair may not stick to that exact schedule. Growth rates differ from person to person. And many patients experience growth and thickening to continue until 14-15 months after their procedure.

It’s also good to know that younger patients typically see faster results than older patients. And the frontal areas like hairlines typically also grow faster than the crown.

We hope this has helped you understand what to expect from a NeoGraft hair transplant!

Real Patients, Real Results

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